In 1949, the growing need for professional dietetics in India inspired the establishment of a one-year postgraduate Diploma in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition (DDPHN) at multiple universities. At the time, both a diploma and a bachelor’s degree in home science were regarded qualifying credentials for hospital nutritionist positions. Such a diploma recognized graduates as completely trained and proficient of guiding any hospital’s Dietetic Department.
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A Master’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics has been created over the last decade to meet the demands of modernization, industrialization, and advances in nutritional sciences and dietetics. As a result, students enrolling in the IGNOU MSCDFSM (Master of Science in Dietetics and Food Service Management) struggle to complete their projects on time. This is mostly because the students do not have enough time to complete their projects due to their employment obligations. As a result, we deliver IGNOU MSCDFSM Project Reports and Synopses to any students who request them.
What makes the MSCDFSM Programme so unique?
IGNOU’s Master’s Degree in Dietetics and Food Service Management is distinctive and innovative in several aspects. The prominent characteristics of this program are:
- Individuals holding a degree or its equivalent in science, medicine, or health may apply for admission, providing they possess a foundational qualification (Diploma, Certificate) in nutrition from IGNOU.
- Admission is open to both male and female students.
- The program assigns each M.Sc. (DFSM) student to a study center near their location to participate in both theoretical and practical sessions.
- The student may learn at their own speed and convenience throughout a duration of 2 to 5 years.
- The student may study at a location of their preference.
- The school/institution prepares self-instructional print materials for students.
- Audio and video programs supplement the printed contents.
- The multimedia program package is accessible in English.
Procedure for Submitting the IGNOU MSCDFSM Project and Synopsis
The Registrar of IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, Delhi-110068, must receive one type of project report. After submitting the project report, the student is assigned a PR number. The student can then use this number to contact the SR&E division.
Greetings IGNOU MSCDFSM students, if you need assignments and project report synopses, we can assist you. We are delighted to assist you with obtaining IGNOU MSCDFSM assignments and proposals.
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