The knowledge and understanding gathered from different training of MA Psychology are put into practice through the IGNOU MPCE 26 SYNOPSIS. Therefore the purpose of the project is to provide a possibility to the students to apply the knowledge. The student gets an idea of how to conduct research through IGNOU MPCE 26 SYNOPSIS. The purpose behind the IGNOU MPCE 26 PROJECT and IGNOU MPCE 26 SYNOPSIS is to provide basic knowledge to the student from their respective field. By this, the students get an overall idea of how to conduct a research project and statement.
A Project Proposal or IGNOU MPCE 26 SYNOPSIS is a document which you present to get your project approved. Project Proposals contains key information about your project. The following format can be followed for preparing the project proposal.
The Title of the Proposed Project: Project Title is a name of the Project; good title should paint a quick picture for the reader of the key idea(s) of your project. A proper project title describes the whole assignment in one sentence.
Background of the Study: Background study is written to provide a link between the topic and the project questions that are written in it. This particular area is important for the project because it provides the reader with an insight on the topic
Literature Review: A literature review includes the current knowledge including substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic. Literature reviews are secondary sources, and do not report new or original experimental
The rationale of the Study: The rationale for carrying out a particular project is explained here. Doing this can strengthen the rationale for conducting your research. The statement of purpose is not simply a statement of why the research is being done.
Objectives of the Study: This will basically consist of the main purpose of the research. A hypothesis is also provided which is a tentative statement about the cause and effect relationship between the independent and dependent variables. A hypothesis is a specific statement of prediction. A single study may have one or many hypotheses.
The hypothesis of the Study If any: This will basically consist of the main purpose of the research. A hypothesis is also provided which is a tentative statement about the cause and effect relationship between the independent and dependent variables. A hypothesis is a specific statement of prediction. A single study may have one or many hypotheses.
Research Methodology: Sample, Tests/Tools, and Statistics to be used: For the project work samples, tests/tools, and statistical analysis is considered as research methodology. The size and nature of the sample will depend on the topic selected. Research methodology is the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze information about a topic. In a research paper, the methodology section allows the reader to critically evaluate a study’s overall validity and reliability.
References/Bibliography: References have to be written in APA format. These should be alphabetically listed.
For detailed knowledge of this under grade course, Project work is a very important. The following list shows some of the major topic title:
- Academic Achievement And Personality Characteristics Of Children Of Working And Non-Working Mothers
- Occupational Stress Among Male And Female Employees In City New Delhi
- An Analytical Study Of The Creative Potential And Personality Structure Of Academically Gifted Students
- To Study The Organisational Role Stress, Ego Strength And The Level Of Burnout Among The Secondary School Teachers
- A Study To Analyze The Ego Strength, Self-Actualization And The Level Of Burnout Among The Secondary School Teachers
- Different Dimensions Of Girls Empowerment Among Government And Private Higher Secondary School: A Comparative Study
- A Study Of Relationship Among Mental Health, Emotional Intelligence And Academic Achievement Of Secondary School Students
- A Study On The Influence Of Examination Anxiety On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students
- To Study The Examination Stress Among School Children In Relation To Personality, Intelligence, And Achievement Motivation
- Examination Stress In Relation To Intelligence, Personality And Achievement Motivation Among High School Children
- Impact Of Anxiety On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students During Examination
- A Study Of Adjustment Of Students Based On Personality And Achievement Motivation
- Job Burnout And Coping Mechanisms Among Primary And High School Teachers
- The Relationship Between Gender, Age, Depression And Academic Achievement
- Locus Of Control And Personality Of Graduate Students
- Emotional Intelligence, Learning Styles And Academic Achievement Of Adolescent Students Of 10th Grade
- Attitudes And Leadership Qualities Of Delhi University Students
- To Study The Impact Of School Environment And Home Environment On The Academic Achievement Of Scheduled Caste Students
- Effect Of Arithmetical Ability And Study Habit On The Achievement In Mathematics At Secondary School Students Of New Delhi
- Learning Styles Of Adolescent Students: A Comparative Study Between Government And Private Schools
- To Study The Effect Of Counselling On The Academic Achievement, Need-Achievement And Study Habits Of Underachievers
- The Effect Of School Environment, Home Environment And Study Habits On Academic Achievements Of Scheduled Caste Students Of Raipur Rani In District Panchkula, Haryana
- Impact Of Parent Involvement On Self-Confidence And Academic Achievement Of Secondary School Students Of Raipur Rani In District Panchkula, Haryana
- A Study About Cognitive Abilities Of Students Of Higher Education With Regard To Their Intelligence And Creativity In City Kollam, Kerala
- Effect Of Counselling On The Academic Achievement And Study Habits Of Underachievers In District Amritsar
- Study Of Role Commitment And Occupational Stress Among Secondary School Teachers
- A Study Social Intelligence And Academic Achievement Of College Students
- Stress On The Faculty Of B.Ed. Colleges In North East Delhi
- Job Satisfaction Among University Employees Of The IGNOU
- Effectiveness Of Teaching Vedic Mathematics On Students’ Achievement
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The size of the IGNOU MPCE26 REPORT depends on the nature of the theme of the project you have selected for your work. However, it is desirable that the project report should be around 100 pages typed in double space and should be in A4 size sheet.
The Report should be in the following format:
The first page of the report should indicate the title of the project, name of the candidate, address, enrollment number and year.
- Certificate
- Acknowledgment
- Table of Contents
An introduction is the first paragraph of a written work done by learner or researcher. This section gives the reader the beginning of the piece of thread so they can follow, It should be able to give an idea to the reader what the topic is all about, how did the topic emerge, and what made the researcher take up the topic. The introduction must contain the rationale and purpose of the research. An introduction is the first paragraph of a written work done by you.
A literature review is a scholarly paper, which includes the current knowledge including substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic. Literature reviews are secondary sources, and do not report new or original experimental work.
The rationale for carrying out a particular project is explained here. Doing this can strengthen the rationale for conducting your research. The statement of purpose is not simply a statement of why the research is being done.
This will basically consist of the main purpose of the research. A hypothesis is also provided which is a tentative statement about the cause and effect relationship between the independent and dependent variables. A hypothesis is a specific statement of prediction. A single study may have one or many hypotheses.
For the project work samples, tests/tools, and statistical analysis is considered as research methodology. The size and nature of the sample will depend on the topic selected. Research methodology is the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze information about a topic. In a research paper, the methodology section allows the reader to critically evaluate a study’s overall validity and reliability.
The findings of the research after the statistical analysis of data are reported in tabular and graphical form. This is then discussed in the light of the existing research studies. The implication of the findings is also discussed.
Under this heading, the learner has to conclude the findings of the research.
Constraints and limitations of the research are mentioned here.
Based on the research findings, the learner can give suggestions for further research in a particular area.
References have to be written in APA format. These should be alphabetically listed.
Some Unique 5 to 6 questions, you can get hint or example from