Through the semester, students are free to choose any subject of interest for their project. The research study may use primary or secondary source data. Students must choose a topic and undertake research with the assistance of an approved supervisor, who may include an academic counselor, as approved by the Discipline of Psychology, SOSS, IGNOU, New Delhi.
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Students need to work with their academic advisor to create the INGOU MPCE 016 Project proposal, which must then be submitted to the Programme Coordinator (MAPC), School of Social Sciences, IGNOU, in New Delhi. Finally, students must submit their final project report/dissertation in the specified format (as outlined in the Project Handbook) solely at the designated study centre.
The Term-End Examination (TEE) for Practicum Courses will occur in the designated Study Centres. Likewise, the TEE (viva-voce) for the Internship and Project will take place at the relevant Regional Centre. Additionally, students must complete MPC-005 and MPC-006 (MAPC Part I) before commencing MPCE-016. Finally, identified IGNOU students, if you need IGNOU MAPC assignments, project reports, or summaries, we can assist you. We are glad to assist you. You can get the IGNOU assignments, project report, and synopsis here.
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