We Provide High Quality IGNOU Synopsis Project

The IGNOU MAEC PROJECT offers learners the opportunity to pursue advanced studies in economics. In addition to the fundamental classes available at other universities, it covers topics in new disciplines of economics such as insurance, finance, and computer applications, which are expected to be extremely useful in the current climate of economic liberalization and globalization. This article discusses concerns about the creation and presentation of the IGNOU MAEC PROJECT, notably shortcomings in research design skills. We provide a succinct summary to clarify the concepts of IGNOU MAEC PROJECT, IGNOU MAEC SYNOPSIS, and IGNOU MAEC REPORT, as well as the key components of a research proposal.

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The project is regarded as a significant component of the course in the study. The primary aim of the IGNOU MAEC PROJECT is to furnish a decision-making instrument applicable to both the IGNOU MA ECONOMICS PROJECT and for demonstration purposes.

Within this context, the Synopsis and Report Work of the IGNOU MAEC PROJECT aims to facilitate the learner in achieving the following specific objectives:

  • Identify and articulate research issues
  • Compose a comprehensive research proposal for the IGNOU MA Economics project.
  • Determine and employ suitable research methodology
  • Execute scientific inquiry in a methodical manner
  • Gather and examine the data
  • Acquire proficiency in utilizing suitable statistical techniques

Preparation and Formulation of IGNOU MAEC Synopsis

The learners must select a specific area of interest. Subsequently, in collaboration with the Guide, they must choose a specific theme for their project work.

The project proposal outlines the comprehensive tasks that the learner must complete.

The subsequent format may be utilized for the preparation of the project proposal.

  • The Title of the Proposed Project
  • Context of the Research
  • Review of Literature
  • The Justification for the Study
  • Study Objectives
  • The hypothesis of the research If applicable
  • Research Methodology: Sample, Instruments/Tools, Statistical Analysis to be Employed
  • References and Bibliography


MAEC (Master of Arts In Economics) MECP 101/102 (SYNOPSIS: 8-12 PAGES, REPORT: 100-120 PAGES)


  • Micro Finance Facilities and Analysing the Awareness level of people about Microfinance.
  • Public policy in India: Role of Bureaucracy.
  • Analytical Study about Public Policy in India.
  • Importance of Rural bank in Rural Areas.
  • Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) and its impact on Rural Livelihood

Preparation and Formulation of the IGNOU PGDFCS Project Manual Report Dissertation (MFCI 5)

The nature of the chosen theme determines the length of the project report. However, the project report should be approximately 100 pages, typed in double spacing, and formatted on A4-sized paper.

Additionally, the report must adhere to the specified format.


The first page of the report must display the project title, candidate’s name, address, and enrollment details.

Number and year.

1. Certification

2. Recognition

3. Table of Contents


This section will introduce the problem at hand. It will provide a clear overview of the topic, delve into its origins, and explain the factors that motivated the researcher to undertake this investigation. Ultimately, the introduction will elucidate the rationale and purpose behind the research.

Review of the Literature

A literature review is a comprehensive compilation of publications produced by previous scholars. Furthermore, it encompasses books and journal articles. Moreover, it assists in conceptualizing ideas and subsequently cultivating substantial inquiries for the scholarly investigation.


The justification for doing a specific project is elucidated herein.

Objective / Hypothesis

This will mostly encompass the principal aims or purpose.

Regarding the research, for instance, to examine the impact of family environment on the self-concept of pupils. Additionally, a conjecture is proposed, which is a tentative statement about the causal relationship between the independent and dependent variables.


The methodology encompasses Sample, Tests/Tools, and Statistical Examination.

Initially, the researcher will determine the dimensions and characteristics of the specimen based on the chosen subject. Subsequently, to match the research objectives, the researcher will select the most suitable assessments or instruments. Finally, the researcher will analyze the information collected using these assessments or instruments, employing appropriate statistical methodologies.

Result And Discussion

Firstly, we present the results of the investigation in tabular and graphical representations, following a statistical analysis of the data. Subsequently, we discuss these results and their implications for the current investigative studies.


Under this category, the learner must summarize the findings.

Regarding the research.


The research’s constraints and limitations are referred to herein.


According to the research findings, the learner is able to provide recommendations.

For additional investigation inside a specific region.

References (APA Style)

Arrange references alphabetically and format them according to APA guidelines.

Who is eligible to serve as the guide or supervisor for the IGNOU MA Economics project?

The learner will necessitate a Guide/Supervisor to execute the Project.

The qualifications for eligibility to serve as a Guide/Supervisor are as follows:

a) Direct access can be obtained from the Study Centre, Regional Centre, or Maidan Garhi.

b) M.Phil/PhD in Economics with at least two years of undergraduate or postgraduate teaching experience


c) Master’s Degree in Economics with at least two years of postgraduate experience.


d) A Master’s Degree in Tourism Management accompanied by a minimum of five years of teaching experience at the undergraduate level.


  • The student must submit the summary and the supervisor’s bio-data, fully signed by the supervisor (Refer to Appendix-I).
  • The student shall submit the summary along with the supervisor’s bio-data, where applicable, at the Study Centre or Regional Centre.
  • The Study Centre/Regional Centre shall then forward these synopses to the Discipline of TEconomics Studies, IGNOU, New Delhi for requisite permission.
  • Compensation will be provided to the Supervisor/Advisor for overseeing each project. He/she may request Project Guidance payment utilizing a Pro forma (Appendix-II) following the final submission of the learners’ project/dissertation at the Regional Centre.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What are the final submission dates for the IGNOU MAEC REPORT and IGNOU MAEC SYNOPSIS?

Ans: July Batch

IGNOU Proposal/Synopsis: 30 September

IGNOU Project Report/Dissertation: 31 March


IGNOU Proposal/Synopsis: March 31

IGNOU Project Report/Dissertation: 30th September

Q2. What are the submission guidelines for the IGNOU MAEC synopsis?

Ans. The student must prepare and submit a project proposal or a synopsis to their assigned Study Centre. The applications will subsequently be evaluated and approved by the Study Centre’s Program In Charge. If necessary, the In-charge will inform the learner, who must then resubmit the work to the study center with the appropriate changes.

The project proposal must be typed on A4 paper with double spacing along with a consent letter from the Guide (Appendix II) and an approval pro forma (Appendix III). Additionally, it is essential that the student maintain a copy of the summary. Proposals without these documents will not be approved. Please submit a proposal by the final submission that time.

Q3. What key considerations should be noted when submitting the IGNOU MAEC SYNOPSIS?

Ans: Submit a single copy of the Project Proposal and retain a copy for your records.

Clearly inscribe IGNOU MECP 101/102 on the envelope and submit it to the Study Centre.

Guarantee the incorporation of the following elements when submitting the proposal:

  • Pro forma for the Approval of the Project Proposal, properly completed and signed by both the student and the guide/supervisor.
  • Comprehensive bio-data of the supervisor/guide, appropriately signed by them (in instances where the academic counselor is not the guide).
  • Letter of consent from the Supervisor/Guide.
  • Project Synopsis.

Q4. What will be the format of the report writing?

Ans. The project must have creativity and logical coherence. Moreover, it should utilize uncomplicated terminology whenever feasible, ensuring the language is direct and proficient. Additionally, avoid utilizing abbreviations such as (&, b/w, etc.). Furthermore, the tense of the report is crucial; it should be in the present tense.

Q5. What are the minimum marks to get pass?

Ans. The total marks for the IGNOU MA Economics project is 100. To pass, a minimum score of 40% out of 100 is required.

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