The goal of this program is to offer information, skills, and abilities in the field of tourism at the bachelor’s degree level. Tourism supports economic growth and development, hence this course is significant and valuable in today’s society. The software is offered in both English and Hindi. Minimum duration: Three years. Maximum duration: six years.
Objectives of the Synopsis and Project Report for IGNOU DTS (Diploma in Tourism Studies) PTS 4, PTS 5, PTS 6 Levels
Within this context, the Synopsis and Project Report Work of IGNOU DTS (Diploma in Tourism Studies) PTS 4, PTS 5, PTS 6 aims to achieve the following specific objectives to facilitate learner development
- Identify and articulate research issues
- Compose a comprehensive research proposal.
- Determine and implement a suitable study design.
- Execute scientific inquiry in a methodical manner
- Gather and examine the data
- Acquire proficiency in utilizing suitable statistical techniques
Preparation and Formulation of IGNOU DTS Synopsis or Project Proposal
The learners must first select a specific area of interest. Then, in collaboration with the Guide, they must choose a specific theme for their project work.
Next, the project proposal outlines the extensive tasks that the learner must complete.
Finally, the subsequent format may be utilized for the preparation of the project proposal.
- The Title of the Proposed Project
- Context of the Research
- Review of Literature
- The Justification for the Study
- Study Objectives
- The study’s hypothesis If applicable
- Research Methodology: Sample, Instruments/Tools, Statistical Analysis to be Employed
- References and Bibliography
Topics for DTS Project and Report
- Study of Culture, Arts and Crafts in Madhya Pradesh, India
- Tourism Development & Tourism products with Special Reference to Rajasthan
- Potentials and Attractions of Pilgrimage Tourism in Delhi
- To Study of Ancient Monuments and Cultural Heritage Sites in Delhi
- Increase in Tourism of Kerala
- To Study of Carpet weaving industry of Kashmir
- A Study to Explore the Culture and Tourist Destinations in Kashmir Valley
- Historical Background of the Culture and Tradition of the Kashmiri Pandits
- To Explore the Culture and Heritage of Jammu Dogras
- To Explore the Art and Culture in Ladakh
- Rites, Rituals and Social Custom among Kashmiri Hindus of India
- The Traditional Music of Kashmir
- Instruments used with the Traditional Music of Kashmir
- Folk arts of Kashmir with Special Reference to Bhand Pather
- A Study of the Some hill Stations in the State Jammu & Kashmir
- A Study about Monuments of Kashmir
- A Study about Religious Sites of Jammu & Kashmir for Pilgrimage Tourism
- Environmental Perception of Hoteliers And other small Scale Business Units in City New Delhi
- To Study the Status and General Awareness among Peoples’ about the Green Conservation
- People’s View on Ecotourism in Bihar
Some more related topics:
- A Study to Analyze the Influence of Tourism on the Environmental Conditions in the City New Delhi
- National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries of the Jammu Region
- A Study of Explore the Flora and Fauna of the Leh Region
- To Study of Tourism Industry of Jammu with Special Reference to Ecotourism
- A Study on Conservation and Degradation of Natural Resources
- A Study of Global Warming and Climate Change in India
- A Study on Various Dimensions of Environmental Degradation, Its Impact and Awareness among People
- Ecological imbalance and Environmental Degradation: An Analytical Study
- An Analytical Study on Environmental Global Warming
- Environmental Awareness, Attitude, and Practices among Women
- A Theoretical Study of Medical Tourism
- Health Tourism in India: An Exploratory Study
- To Study of Marketing Strategies for the Development of Tourism
- Tourist Satisfaction With Itdc’s Tour Packages: A Case Study of India Tourism Development Corporation (Itdc) New Delhi
- Marketing of Adventure and Nature Tourism
- A Study of Destination Branding in the Tourism Industry
- Effect of the Internet on The Marketing of Hotels and Tour Operators in City New Delhi
- To Study the Tourism Possibilities in the Poonch Sector
- Government Policies Adopted For the Promotion of Tourism in Jammu And Kashmir
- Marketing of Tourism Destinations with Special References to Golden Triangle
- Marketing Strategies of Tour Packages: Concepts and Philosophies
- Role of Travel Agency in Promotion of Indian Tourism: A Case Study of Thomas Cook (India) Limited
Who is eligible to serve as the Guide/Supervisor for IGNOU DTS Project?
The learner will necessitate a Guide/Supervisor to execute the Project.
Moreover, the qualifications for eligibility to serve as a Guide/Supervisor are as follows:
a) Direct access can be obtained from the Study Centre, Regional Centre, or Maidan Garhi.
b) M.Phil/PhD in Tourism Studies with at least two years of undergraduate or postgraduate teaching experience
c) Master’s Degree in Tourism Studies with a minimum of two years of postgraduate experience.
d) A Master’s Degree in Tourism Studies accompanied by at least five years of undergraduate teaching experience.”
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. What are the final submission dates for the IGNOU DTS (Diploma in Tourism Studies) PTS 4, PTS 5, and PTS 6 synopsis and project reports?
Ans. July Batch
IGNOU Proposal/Synopsis: 30 November
IGNOU Project Report/Dissertation: 31st May
IGNOU Proposal/Synopsis: 31st September
IGNOU Project Report/Dissertation: 30th November
Q2. What are the submission conditions for the IGNOU DTS (Diploma in Tourism Studies) PTS 4, PTS 5, and PTS 6 Synopsis?
Ans. The student must create and submit the project proposal or synopsis to their designated Study Centre. Then, the Program In-charge of the Study Centre will evaluate the submissions and grant approval. If any required alterations are necessary, they will be sent to the learner, who will then resubmit the work to the study center with the necessary adjustments.
Furthermore, the project proposal must be provided on A4 paper, typed in double spacing, and accompanied by a consent letter from the Guide (Appendix II) and the approval pro forma (Appendix III). Additionally, the student is recommended to keep a copy of the summary. Consequently, proposals lacking the aforementioned documents will be disregarded for approval. Therefore, kindly submit a proposal prior to the final submission deadline.
Q3. What key considerations should be kept in mind when submitting the IGNOU DTS (Diploma in Tourism Studies) PTS 4, PTS 5, PTS 6 Synopsis?
Ans. Submit a single copy of the Project Proposal and retain a copy for your records. Furthermore, the envelope must prominently display PTS 4/5/6 and be submitted to the Study Centre. In addition, ensure the incorporation of the following elements when submitting the proposal:
- Pro forma for the Approval of the Project Proposal, properly completed and signed by both the student and the guide/supervisor.
- Comprehensive bio-data of the supervisor/guide, appropriately signed by them (in instances where the academic counselor is not the guide).
- Letter of consent from the Supervisor/Guide.
- Project Synopsis.
Q4. How to judiciously select a topic for the IGNOU Diploma in Tourism Studies (DTS) synopsis and project report for PTS 4, PTS 5, and PTS 6?
Ans. The selected topic must be engaging and need extensive expertise. Moreover, the project must be visually striking to the evaluator. Additionally, ensure your project encompasses all essential headlines and topics within a maximum restriction of 1200 words.
Q5. Do you have any insights on the process prior to initiating the research investigation?
Ans. Categories of data to be gathered for methodology
Instruments for data collecting (surveys, interviews)
References to be utilized (bibliography)
Field Research
Determining whether to pursue a connection with certain organizations
Data Tabulation and Analysis
The duration of the study
Financial projections.
Q6. What will be the format of the report writing?
Ans. The project must not only be creative but also logically coherent. Moreover, it is essential to utilize uncomplicated vocabulary whenever feasible, thus ensuring the language is direct and of high quality. Furthermore, avoid utilizing abbreviations such as (&, b/w, etc.). Finally, the tense of the report is crucial; it should be in the present tense.
Q7. What are the minimum marks get to pass?
Ans. The cumulative score for this project description (IGNOU DTS – Diploma in Tourism Studies, PTS 4, PTS 5, PTS 6) is 100. Furthermore, to pass, a minimum of 40% out of 100 must be attained. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully plan and execute the project to achieve the required score.
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